Title: JD Vance criticizes Kamala Harris during Philadelphia speech
JD Vance, an author and venture capitalist, criticized Vice President Kamala Harris during a speech in Philadelphia on Thursday. Vance, known for his book “Hillbilly Elegy,” is considering a run for the U.S. Senate in Ohio as a Republican.
During his speech at an event hosted by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Vance referred to Harris as “the most incompetent and irrelevant human being in American politics.” He also criticized former President Donald Trump, calling him “a very weak person” who was easily controlled by his staff.
Vance expressed his dissatisfaction with both major political parties, stating that he believes the Republican Party has lost touch with working-class Americans. He believes that a political realignment is necessary in order to address issues such as immigration and the decline of the American family.
Vance’s possible Senate run has drawn attention from both Republicans and Democrats, as he seeks to represent Ohio in the 2022 election.