Former President Donald Trump has faced objections from several artists for his use of their songs during his campaign events. One such artist is Celine Dion, who recently joined the list of musicians asking Trump to stop using their music.

Trump has a history of playing popular songs at his rallies and events, despite objections from the artists. Dion’s iconic song “My Heart Will Go On” was played at Trump’s events, prompting her team to issue a statement requesting the song not be used in the future.

This is not the first time artists have spoken out against Trump’s use of their music. Musicians like Neil Young, The Rolling Stones, and Adele have all objected to their songs being played at Trump’s events. In some cases, legal action has been taken to prevent the unauthorized use of music.

The issue of musicians objecting to politicians using their music is not unique to Trump. In the past, other politicians have faced similar objections from artists for using their songs without permission.

As the debate over the use of music in political campaigns continues, it is clear that artists want to have control over how their music is used and associated with political messages. Trump’s continued use of songs despite objections from artists highlights the tension between politicians and musicians over the use of music for political purposes.